Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Rendering Your Scenes

Some of you have been asking questions about the ideal render and video export settings below is one example of how to achieve a suitable video size and quality, there are however many ways to achieve similar standards.

1) Decide on the frame size you will render at AND STICK TO IT as it important that you stay consistent with this (1280 x 720 is a good standard)

2) Render as .avi and choose "uncompressed" as the compression setting

3) Import renders into Premier and edit scene as required

4) In the media encoder (Once you export the finished sequence) chose flv/f4v format and in the preset selection choose "F4V-HD 720p"

ADVICE - IT IS ALWAYS WORTH EXPERIMENTING WITH RENDERS AND SETTINGS BEFORE YOU GO AHEAD AND COMMIT TO A FORMAT. Do some test renders to see if the quality is good enough before wasting time doing renders you don't need!

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